Greetings from beautiful Melbourne, Australia! For the next couple of weeks, I’ll be traveling the up and down the east coast of this captivating country, conducting workshops and providing consultations on feedback-informed clinical work.
Actually, I’ve had the privilege of visiting and teaching in Australia about once a year beginning in the late 1990’s. Back then, Liz Sheehan, the editor of the “must read” journal Psychotherapy in Australiabrought me in to speak about the then recently published first edition of the Heart and Soul of Change. By the way, if you are not from Australia, and are unfamiliar with the journal, please do visit the website. Liz makes many of the articles that appear in the print version available online. I’ve been a subscriber for years now and await the arrival of each issue with great anticipation. I’m never disappointed.
In any event, on Wednesday this week, I spent the entire day with Mark Buckingham, Fiona Craig, and the clinical staff of Kedesh Rehabilitation Services in Wollongong, Australia–a scenic sea-side location about 45 minutes south of Sydney. Briefly, Kedesh is a residential treatment facility providing cutting-edge, consumer driven, outcome-informed services to people with drug, alcohol, and mental health problems. The crew at Kedesh is using the ORS and SRS to guide service delivery and is, in fact, one of the first to fully implement CDOI in the country.
I’ll be back with more soon, so please check back tomorrow. In the meantime, check out the video with Mark and Fiona.