Scott D. Miller, Ph.D. is the founder of the International Center for Clinical Excellence an international consortium of clinicians, researchers, and educators dedicated to promoting excellence in behavioral health services. Dr. Miller conducts workshops and training in the United States and abroad, helping hundreds of agencies and organizations, both public and private, to achieve superior results. He is one of a handful of “invited faculty” whose work, thinking, and research is featured at the prestigious “Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference.” His humorous and engaging presentation style and command of the research literature consistently inspires practitioners, administrators, and policy makers to make effective changes in service delivery.
You will find a list of services that I provide on this side along with information to help you implement and learn more about Feedback Informed Treatment. Below are a selection of my most recent posts.
- Results from the first bona fide study of deliberate practice
- Fasten your seatbelt
- A not so helpful, helping hand
- Alas, it seems everyone comes from Lake Wobegon
- Missing the boat
- The Growing Inaccessibility of Science
- How to (and not to) become a more effective therapist
- When is it time to “hang it up?”
- What therapist experience, a nickel, and cup of coffee have in common
- The Success Probability Index (SPI)