In April 2010, I blogged about Jan Larsson, a Swedish clinician who works with people on the margins of the mental health system. Jan was dedicated to seeking feedback, using the ORS and SRS to tailor services to the individuals he met. It wasn’t easy. Unilke most, he did not meet his clients in an office or agency setting. Rather, he met them where they were: in the park, on the streets, and in their one room aparments. Critically, wherever they met, Jan had them complete the two measures–“just to be sure,” he said. No computer. No I-phone app. No sophisticated web-based adminsitration system. With a pair of scissors, he simply trimmed copies of the measures to fit in his pocket-sized appointment book! I’ve been following his creative application of the scales ever since.
Not surprisingly, Jan was on top of the story I blogged about yesterday regarding changes in the guidelines governing Swedish mental health care practice. He emailed me as I was writing my post, including the link to the Swedish Radio program about the changes. Today, he emailed again, sending along links to stories appearing in two Swedish newspapers: Dagens Nyheter and Goteborg Posten.
Thanks Jan!
And to everyone else, please continue to send any new links, videos, and comments.