Dateline: October 18, 2011
Chicago, Illinois USA
Last week I was in Europe: three days in Norway, a week in Sweden, and a day in Holland. In a day or two, I’ll say more about developments in Norway and the launch of the largest study in history on FIT in Sweden. Meanwhile, I’m pleased to announce the lauch of the first, truly “consumer-driven” outcome management application: M2FIT. Briefly, this smart phone based technology empowers consumers of behavioral health services to provide feedback to clinicians regarding the quality and outcome of treatment services. Unlike existing applications, M2FIT is owned, operated, and managed by the consumer. It’s on their phone–not the therapists. The application further provides tips and encouragement between visits as well as appointment reminders.
As the pictures above indicate, the M2FIT application is simple, straightforward, and intuitive. Most important, it puts the power of feedback in consumers’ hands.
For more information, or to obtain a copy, visit the M2FIT website at: In the meantime, here’s a brief video shot during my visit!
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