“Do you have an app for the ORS and SRS?” That’s the message that greeted me in my inbox this morning when I made it into the office. I was so happy to be able to write back and say, “Yes, absolutely!” In addition to two web-based systems for administering, scoring, tracking, and aggregating ORS and SRS scores, the Therapy Outcome Management System (TOMS) app is now available!
The simple and easy to use app for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod administers, scores, and plots ORS and SRS scores in real time. As such, it’s perfect for agencies, directors of clinical training programs, group practices, clinics, and private practices. As readers of this blog know, a sizable and growing body of evidence has demonstrated that incorporating client feedback into care improves both retention and effectiveness.
Grad student Nick Wiarda developed the app. His dissertation research investigated the impact of technology on the therapeutic alliance. Briefly, clients from a semi-rural primary care clinic completed the SRS (Session Rating Scale) in paper and pencil format, or via an iPad, or on a desktop computer. Importantly, no differences were found between the groups, indicating that the technology used does not impact peoples’ ability or willingness to provide feedback.
The bottom line? TOMS helps clinicians get the feedback they need efficiently and effectively—and I can add elegantly. Check it out!
Update: If you are looking to add the ORS, SRS and associated algorithms to an existing Electronic Health Record, Case Management System or eMental Health application take a look at openFIT developed by ACE Health.
The app is really great! I use it on my iphone.
I was wondering, is there also an app for non-apple users?
For my non-apple friends/colleagues 🙂
Thank you.
Robert Suyl
I would like to second this request for an android based app. I currently use a pencil and paper version of the FIT measures.
Is there any talk of developing a version for android? I would love to start using this app to cut out manual scoring time but bit reluctant to buy an apple device specially.
I’m using the app for iPad and wondering what to do if you have added a session by date but then have not completes the srs and Ors in that session is skipped it and client has left
Hi Michelle…the answer depends on the system you use. There are two web based systems: http://www.fit-outcomes.com and http://www.myoutcomes.com. PLEASE contact the customer service link for the service you use and ask that question.
iTunes is telling me this app is not available in the US store…… ???
Good morning. I cannot locate the app on my IPAD. Neither by TOMS or by the actual app name. Is there another name perhaps?
Thanks, Sherryl
This app was recommended by a course professor in my counseling program, but when I try locating in the Apple apps, nothing comes up. Is it called something else now?
That particular app is no longer available. However, myoutcomes.com offers a telephone app.
I’ve just updated my iPad and TOMS isn’t working says the app needs to be updated.
I have years of data on it for many clients. Is there a way of saving the data?