The March Advanced Intensive in Feedback Informed Treatment is full! Not a single space left. For several weeks, we put folks on a waiting list. When that reached nearly 20, we told most they’d probably have to wait until next year to attend.
Wait no more!
The ICCE is pleased to announce a second, “Advanced Intensive” Training schedule for July 30th through August 2nd, 2012 in Chicago, IL, USA. If you’ve read the books and attended a one or two day introductory workshop and want to delve deeper in your understanding and use of the principles and practices of FIT, this is the training for you! Multiple randomized clinical trials document that FIT improves outcomes and retention rates while decreasing costs of behavioral health.
Four intensive days focused on skill development. Participants will receive a thorough grounding in:
- The empirical foundations of FIT (i.e., research supporting the common factors, outcome and alliance measures, and feedback)
- Alliance building skills that cut across different therapeutic orientations and diverse client populations
- How to use outcome management tools (including one or more of the following: ORS, SRS, CORE, and OQ 45 to inform and improve treatment)
- How to determine your overall clinical success rates
- How to significantly improve your outcome and retention rate via feedback and deliberate practice
- How to use technology for support and improvement of the services you offer clients and payers
- How to implement FIT in your setting or agency
The training venue is situated along the beautiful “Magnificent Mile,” near Northwestern hospital, atop a beautiful tall building steps from the best retail therapy and jazz clubs in Chicago. As always, the conference features continental breakfast every morning, a night of Blues at one of Scott’s favorite haunts and dinner at arguably the best Italian restaurant in Chicago.
Unlike any other training, the ICCE “Advanced Intensive” offers both pre and post attendance support to enhance learning and retention. All participants are provided with memberships to the ICCE Trainers Forum where they can interact with the course instructors and participants, download coarse readings, view “how-to” videos, and reach out to and learn from the thousands of other member-clinicians around the world.
Don’t wait. Register today here.
If you are interested in hanging out in Chicago a few extra days, why not register for both the “Advanced Intensive” and the 2012 “Training of Trainers” workshop? Thanks to the demand, for the first time ever, the two events are being held back to back. Sign up for both events by May 31st and receive 25% off for the trainings! To obtain your discount code for both events, email: today.
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