This year, the Psychotherapy Networker is celebrating it’s 35th anniversary. I’m not going to let on how long I’ve been a reader and subscriber, but I can say that I eagerly anticipate each issue. Rich Simon and his incredibly dedicated and talented crew always seem to have their fingers on the pulse of the profession.
It is no accident that our most recent work on achieving excellence in behavioral health appeared in the pages of the Networker–in 2007, our study of top performing clinicians, “Supershrinks,” and then last year, “The Road to Mastery” which layed out the most recent findings as well as identified the resources necessary for the development of therapeutic expertise.
I was deeply honored when Rich Simon asked me to give one of the plenary addresses at this year’s Networker Symposium, March 22-25th, 2012. The theme of this year’s event is, “Creating a New Wisdom: The Art and Science of Optimal Well Being” and I’ll be delivering Friday’s luncheon address on applying the science of expertise to the world of clinical practice.
Click here to register online and join me for 3 fantastic days at this historic meeting.
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