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Feedback Informed Treatment Manuals

Manual 1 – What Works In Treatment
A PrimerManual 1 reviews key empirical literature detailing “what works” in behavioral health treatment, including:
1.Therapeutic factors responsible for effective treatment
2. The qualities of effective helping relationships
3. Qualities of effective clinicians
4. The impact of feedback on retention and outcome
Upon completion of the manual, readers will be able to:
• Describe the significant findings regarding “what works” in behavioral health services from the past 40 years
• Identify the core components of the therapeutic alliance and the impact each has on outcome
• Identify therapist characteristics that have been documented through research to influence outcomes
• Describe how feedback works to improve outcome
Price: $24.95 U.S
*Please note: The manuals are e-books licensed for a single-user. If you or your agency would like to provide access to all staff, please email info@scottdmiller.com for a quote and significant discount off the sale price

Manual 2 – Feedback-Informed Treatment
The BasicsManual 2 details key knowledge and skills regarding the use of routine outcome measurement in clinical practice, including:
1. What to measure
2. Creating a “culture of feedback” in service delivery
3. Using feedback to inform and improve careUpon completion of the manual, readers will be able to:
• Describe the specific components of routine outcome measurement
• Use of outcome and alliance measurement instruments in routine clinical care
• Identify important factors in creating a culture for measuring client outcomes and using feedback processes
• Describe strategies for using feedback to inform and improve care on a routine and ongoing basis
Price: $24.95 U.S
*Please note: The manuals are e-books licensed for a single-user. If you or your agency would like to provide access to all staff, please email info@scottdmiller.com for a quote and significant discount off the sale price

Manual 3 – Feedback-Informed Supervision
Manual 3 details key knowledge and skills involved in the practical application of FIT in clinical supervision. The chief areas of focus are:
1. Creating a culture of feedback in supervision
2. How to review the Outcome Rating Scale (ORS)
3. How to review the Session Rating Scale (SRS)
4. How to identify cases of concern
5. How to use aggregate data to identify weaknesses in service provision and providers
6. How to develop a collaborative service/provider improvement planUpon completion of the manual, readers will be able to:
• Describe factors necessary to establish an effective culture of feedback in supervision and ways of monitoring outcome data on a routine and ongoing basis
• Identify and describe areas of focus in reviewing data from the ORS and SRS and how to integrate outcome feedback into supervision
• Describe common patterns of client response on outcome measures
• Identify and respond to cases of concern
• Use aggregate data to identify and develop a plan of remediation.
Price: $24.95 U.S
*Please note: The manuals are e-books licensed for a single-user. If you or your agency would like to provide access to all staff, please email info@scottdmiller.com for a quote and significant discount off the sale price

Manual 4 – Documenting Change
A Primer on Measurement, Analysis and ReportingManual 4 explores key areas involved with documenting and monitoring client progress, analyzing data, and reporting on those data. Specific sections of the manual include:
1. Psychometric Properties of the ORS and SRS
2. Case Documentation of Client Progress
3. Methods of Data Analysis for Individual Providers, Programs, and Agencies
4. Data ReportingUpon completion of the manual, readers will be able to:
• Describe the psychometric properties of popular outcome and alliance measures in clear, nontechnical terms
• Use methods for documenting client progress in case notations
• Use methods for analyzing outcome data consistently and reliably in a variety of treatment contexts (e.g., private practice, agency, residential settings).
• Describe processes for using data in various formats for the purposes of reporting to third party payers, funding bodies, regulatory agencies
Price: $24.95 U.S
*Please note: The manuals are e-books licensed for a single-user. If you or your agency would like to provide access to all staff, please email info@scottdmiller.com for a quote and significant discount off the sale price

Manual 5 – Feedback-Informed Treatment
Advanced ApplicationsManual 5 addresses into the advanced applications of clinical work with diverse populations, treatment modalities, and service settings. In addition, Manual 5 offers steps for achieving clinical excellence through deliberate practice. Specific content areas include:
1. Using routine outcome measurement in group therapy
2. Applying FIT with special populations (i.e., children, families, couples, SPMI, DD, mandated clients, etc.)
3. Applying FIT in specific service settings (i.e., inpatient, outpatient, residential, homebased, etc.)
4. Steps to achieving clinical excellenceUpon completion of the manual, readers will be able to:
• Use of routine outcome measurement in group settings
• Apply FIT with a number of special populations
• Applying FIT in specific service settings
• Apply skills of deliberate practice to continuousl
y improve clinical skills and effectiveness
Price: $24.95 U.S
*Please note: The manuals are e-books licensed for a single-user. If you or your agency would like to provide access to all staff, please email info@scottdmiller.com for a quote and significant discount off the sale price

Manual 6 – Implementing Feedback
Informed Work in Agencies and Systems of CareManual 6 addresses key knowledge and steps for implementing and developing a structure for sustaining feedback-informed work in agencies and larger systems of care. This manual offers detailed guidelines from planning to training to sustainability in organizations. Specific content areas of the manual include:
1. Using the GAP Assessment to identify target areas for organization change (i.e., identification of clinical, policy, administrative, funding, regulatory, supervisory, consumer challenges)2. How to conduct basic staff training
3. Chief management, leadership, and supervision challenges and obligations
4. Creating and utilizing a transition oversight group to facilitate successful implementation
5. Conducting a pilot project
6. Sustainability strategies (e.g., development of a training program, policy, etc.)Upon completion of the manual, readers will be able to:
• Understand how to perform a GAP Assessment and assess organizational readiness for a transition to outcome-informed work
• Convey strategies for administration, management, leadership, and supervision
• Prepare a plan and implement a staff training program
• Pilot and implement an outcome management system
• Describe strategies for sustaining and improving the outcome management system
Price: $24.95 U.S
*Please note: The manuals are e-books licensed for a single-user. If you or your agency would like to provide access to all staff, please email info@scottdmiller.com for a quote and significant discount off the sale price

All 6 Feedback
Informed Treatment Manuals:The complete set of all 6 FIT manuals.
Price: $119.95 U.S. (a 20% savings)
*Please note: The manuals are e-books licensed for a single-user. If you or your agency would like to provide access to all staff, please email info@scottdmiller.com for a quote and significant discount off the sale price

Psychotherapy Books

The Heart & Soul Of Change
What Works in Therapy, Second EditionBarry L. Duncan, Scott D. Miller, Bruce E. Wampold, Mark A. HubbleA review of 40 years of research on what works in therapy by the leading researchers in the field. Winner of Menniger’s 15th Annual Award for Scientific Writing.
“How do you improve on a classic? By incorporating all of the most recent research and making it readable and relevant to the student, the practitioner, and the researcher. This volume is a must-read for all of these groups.”–George Stricker, Ph.D.
List price: $59.95 U.S

The Heroic Client
Barry L. Duncan, Scott D. Miller & Jacqueline SparksIf you’re looking for step-by-step instructions for using outcome and alliance to guide therapeutic process, the revised edition of Heroic Client is for you!
If you purchased the original version, you’ll appreciate the comprehesive updating!
List price: $35.00 U.S.
Price: $32.00 U.S

The Outcome And Session Rating Scales: Administration And Scoring Manual CORPORATE (in English and French)
Scott D. Miller & Barry L. DuncanNew release! This e-book summarizes the latest research about the ORS and SRS as well as provides step-by-step instructions for administering, scoring, and interpreting the measures in routine clinical practice.
Full length case examples illustrate use of the scales with a variety of typical as well as challenging clinical situations.
A must have for any user of the outcome and alliance tools pioneered by the Founders of I.S.T.C.
Price: $399.95 U.S.
(your order will be added to a shopping cart in case you want to return to these pages for additional purchases).
This manual is available in English and French. When you purchase the manual, you will download a zipped file that contains both versions. Purchase of the corporate version allows use by up to 50 people

The Outcome And Session Rating Scales: Administration And Scoring ManualINDIVIDUAL (In English And French)
Scott D. Miller & Barry L. DuncanNew release! This e-book summarizes the latest research about the ORS and SRS as well as provides step-by-step instructions for administering, scoring, and interpreting the measures in routine clinical practice.
Full length case examples illustrate use of the scales with a variety of typical as well as challenging clinical situations. A must have for any user of the outcome and alliance tools pioneered by the Founders of I.S.T.C.
Price: $39.95 U.S.
(your order will be added to a shopping cart in case you want to return to these pages for additional purchases).
This manual is available in English and French. When you purchase the manual, you will download a zipped file that contains both versions

Escape From Babel
Toward a Unifying Language for Psychotherapy PracticeScott D. Miller, Barry L. Duncan, & Mark A. HubbleMichelle Weiner Davis, author of Divorce Busting,says,
is book pulls the therapeutic rug out from beneath our feet, challenging us to eschew our dogged allegiance to our preferred treatment models and instead explore the real salient ingredient ingredients inherent in all effective therapy.”
List price: $32.00 U.S.
Price: $29.95 U.S

Psychotherapy With “Impossible” Cases
Barry L. Duncan, Mark A. Hubble, & Scott D. Miller”This is a truly significant work,” says author and Professor Kenneth J. GergenList
price: $35.00 U.S.
Price: $33.00 U.S

Handbook Of Solution
Focused Brief TherapyScott D. Miller, Mark A. Hubble, & Barry L. Duncan (editors)Recently deemed one of the “9 essential books every therapist needs.”
Price: $75.00 U.S

Working With The Problem Drinker
A Solution-FocusedInsoo Berg & Scott D. Miller”This book is significant,” says Dr. Fulton Caldwell of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, “makes an important contribution to the growing body of clinical knowledge on the treatment of alcohol-related problems.”
Price: $27.00 U.S

Effective Techniques For Dealing With Highly Resistant Clients 2nd EditionClifton W. Mitchell, Ph.D.A
practically written guide that presents tangible, stress-reducing techniques for dealing with your most difficult clients. Theories of resistance are examined and a model presented that empowers mental health professionals to resolve roadblocks in therapy. For the first time, hundreds of ideas from a broad array of theories are presented together in one complete package. When consistently used together, these ideas and techniques allow the therapist to create a therapeutic environment where resistance is successfully managed. A valuable resource that both the working professional and student will turn to when seeking realistic, pragmatic ideas and strategies for overcoming stagnation and creating therapeutic movement. The book is indexed and designed for quick access to ideas and approaches.”
Price: $24.95 U.S

Self-Help Book

The Miracle Method
A Radically New Approach to Problem DrinkingScott D. Miller & Insoo BergDo you or someone you love have a drinking problem? This book is a dramatically useful alternative to the Disease Model of Addiction and the Twelve Steps of A.A.
Price: $13.95 U.S.

Staying On Top And Keeping The Sand Out Of Your PantsScott
Mark A. Hubble, & Seth HoudeshellLooking for a fun summer read? This short, anecdote and cartoon filled book certainly fits the bill. By the same publisher as the Chicken Soupseries, it will lift your spirits and put a smile on your face.
Price: $9.95 U.S


Outcome Informed Clinical Work
Scott D. Miller, Ph.D.On this professional produced hour-long CD, Scott Miller teaches clinicians how to use outcome measures in routine clinical practice to inform and improve service delivery and outcomes. Research to date shows that following the steps outlined in detail on this program significantly improves outcome and retention in behavioral health services. The CD is formatted to play in a car or home stereo as well as via computer. The disk includes a comprehensive set of slides in PDF format to aid learning..
List price: $14.95
Price: $9.95

The Therapeutic Alliance
Translating Research into Evidenced-Based Skills for Clinical PracticeScott D. Miller, Ph.D.On this professionally produced hour-long audio on CD, Scott Miller translates the latest research on the therapeutic alliance into practical clinical skills. Learn “what works,” as well as strategies for dealing with and overcoming alliance ruptures. The lecture also includes step-by-step instructions for using the Session Rating Scale as well as a comprehensive set of slides in PDF format.
List price: $14.95
Price: $9.95

Working With Uncooperative, Resistant, Or Mandated Clients
A Client-Directed ApproachScott D. MillerNowadays, therapists are asked to work with people who have been forced to enter treatment services. In this lively and funny audiotape, learn specific strategies for forming helping relationships with such clients. Professionally-produced 90 minute audio on CD.List
price: $14.95 U.S.
Price: $9.95 U.S.


Feedback Informed Treatment
Feedback-Informed Treatment (FIT) is a pantheoretical approach for evaluating and improving the quality and effectiveness of behavioral health services. Research to date documents that FIT dramatically improves both retention and outcome of behavioral health services. FIT involves routinely and formally soliciting feedback from clients regarding the therapeutic alliance and outcome of care and using the resulting information to inform and tailor service delivery. FIT is not only consistent with but operationalizes the American Psychological Association’s (APA) definition of evidence-based practice. To wit, FIT involves “the integration of the best available research…and monitoring of patient progress (and of changes in the patient’s circumstances — e.g. job loss, major illness) that may suggest the need to adjust the treatment…(e.g., problems in the therapeutic relationship or in the implementation of the goals of the treatment)” (American Psychologist, May 2006, p. 273, 276-277).In this video, Drs. Scott D. Miller and Julie Tilsen, describe and demonstrate how clinicians can integrate the principles and practices of FIT into their work regardless of theoretical orientation or professional discipline. Dr.’s Miller and Tilsen provide an overview discussion of FIT and then demonstrate how to use it with three different clients. 1. The client with SPMI (Serious and Persistent Mental Illness) 2. The mandated client and 3. A mother/daughter duo seeking help with relationship issues. In the video, you will learn:The empirical foundation for routine monitoring of the alliance and outcome in treatmentHow to administer valid, reliable, and feasible measures of alliance and outcomeHow to use alliance and outcome measures to inform and improve the quality and outcome of behavioral healthcareSpecial Introductory, invididual version price: $49.95

What Works In Psychotherapy
Individual EditionScott D. Miller with Randall C. WyattWhat works in psychotherapy? In this interview by Randall C. Wyatt, Miller shares everything he knows about psychotherapy outcomes. For starters, it’s the therapeutic alliance that’s one of the most important elements. And here’s the real ticker—Miller has found that the therapist is the determining factor, not the treatment model. This means that therapists can learn, grow and be more effective with their clients by systematically monitoring therapy outcomes, inviting negative feedback, and asking the simple question that so often seems too difficult for therapists to ask: “How is this working for you?”Miller warns against manualized systems that require therapists to narrowly work in a particular model, citing research that shows that therapists are the most effective when they are allowed to practice what they believe and are confident in. This means you don’t need to change your modality to be more effective, and, in fact, can have a meaningful evidence-based practice by adapting some of Miller’s simple tools to invite client feedback.From watching this video, you’ll learn:What factors determine positive and negative outcomes in psychotherapy.How to be the most effective therapist with all your clients by learning to monitor outcomes.When the most important times to intervene are, and how therapy approaches vary depending on the client’s own stage of change.“Our diversity as a profession… is not a weakness that needs to be cured with evidence-based practice. It’s a strength and it needs to be nurtured with outcome-informed measures.”
–Scott D. Miller, Ph.D.
Invididual Version Price: $49.00
Institutional/Instructors Version Price: $149.00

Client-Directed, Outcome-Informed Psychotherapy
Scott D. Miller, Ph.D.Studio-produced DVD from the American Psychological Association’s famed “Systems of Psychotherapy” series. Learned the principles of client-directed, outcome informed work by watching a real case unfold during a live, unscripted interview. The case features a young dually-diagnosed mother struggling with relationship and family issues. The process of using the outcome and alliance scales is covered in detail, including the use of the computerized tracking system..
Price: $99.95 U.S

Healing Trauma Through Conversation
Scott D. Miller, Ph.D.A moving session on DVD of client-directed clinical work with a woman who has just learned that her daughter has a brain tumor. Learning the basics of the approach are facilitated by the use of subtitles which explain the therapeutic process as the session unfolds. The tape includes the first session plus a follow up with the client some six months latter during which she talks about the fate of her daughter as well as highlights the helpful aspects of the previous visit.
List price: $75.00 U.S.
Price: $69.95 U.S

Heart, Soul, And Research On Psychotherapy
An Interview with Scott D. MillerDavid AndrewsWant to learn what research over the last 40 years indicates are the effective ingredients of therapy? This engaging interview with one of the founders of the Institute for the Study of Therapeutic Change provides an in-depth review of the data. The video is sure to both reassure and challenge.
List price: $75.00
Price: $69.95